We are halfway through the year, and to the Catholic community the month of June is dedicated to the Holiest Heart of Jesus. This month, there have been several important events in the history of our country, as all changes in government are. We always expect the best from each ruler, and we askGod to pour his grace over our new president and all public officials, so that they may fight for the good of the entire population.
Congratulations to the Salvadoran soccer team, "La Selecta" for its will to succeed, as well as to all those who support them. This support demonstrates their being Salvadoran at heart, but one must never forget to thank God for allowing this team to earn one more victory.
In the midst of these joys, however, we also lament the violent acts that are committed each day, tragedies that are seen in both this and other countries. We can only remain strong in prayer in order to have the strength to endure such unexpected blows.
I would like to thank God for allowing me to finish this first semester of studies. Even if it has not been easy, the only thing I can to is try harder. Well, in order to accomplish my dream to serve others well, I must try to improve upon my studies and learn the utmost from every day. This Friday, June 12, we have a special act at the institute in honor of our efforts. It will be a ceremony in which we are granted the symbols of the nursing career, including the nurse’s cap.
Till next time. . .Blessings to you all,