The peace accords were signed well over a decade ago, but the only thing long gone from this tiny speck on the world map, many experts would be quick to agree, may well be the promise of a hopeful future. Despite the allure of its namesake, many people of this geographically minute but most heavily populated Central American republic face fear continuously. Now the ultimate question lurks. Can El Salvador save its children and redeem itself in spite of it all? It is well known among officials that more than 600 young Salvadorans flee their country daily, crossing north into Guatemala, making the first step of a dreadful and illegal passage north to the deemed land of dreams. What is not so well documented by anyone, however, is the forgotten fate of the equally exorbitant and escalating number of even younger Salvadorans, the unforgotten and altogether abandoned children, who comprise the newest class of society. Social orphans. . .
¿Not Gone Nowhere?
Nuestro Ahora exists for one singular reason: to ensure that the youngest, neediest children aren't left behind. Nuestro Ahora seeks to respond to the realities of El Salvador today by providing kids with an excellent education, true and available role models to support and inspire them, and concrete opportunities in which they can make a tangible difference for themselves and their world.
Thank God, the civil war has ended today in El Salvador. But there is much work to be done in order to give back the future to the children of El Salvador. Nuestro Ahora is about doing exactly that, with kids, because of kids, learning to make a difference, going wherever dreams lead. . .