Your Time + Your Talent + Your Treasure = Infinite Possibilities. . .

Got Time? In fact, we all do. And, how we use it makes the vital difference. Here are some quick and easy ways to make a sure difference: 9 Ways You Can Help El Salvador.

Got Talent? Of course you do. Consider sharing your skills with Nuestro Ahora. Whether your area of expertise lies in education, business, law, communications, or virtually any other field, your talents can make a real difference in making Nuestro Ahora more effective. Let us know how you'd like to help.

Got Treasure? Yes, every cent makes a difference. A dime for a photocopy of lecture notes. Fifty cents for the bus to class. A dollar for internet access to complete a research paper. Twenty dollars to provide food for the week. Fifty-three dollars for a month's tuition. Three hundred dollars for housing. It takes more than $4300. annually to provide a full scholarship, room, board, transportation, and a mentor for each scholar in Nuestro Ahora. The treasure that you are able to share will be truly valued. Your donation makes it possible for a child not just to survive; it allows them to thrive. Please help us.

We've applied for and received notification from the IRS, granting us official US 501(c)(3) public charity status (EIN/tax ID number: 87-0807508), which means that donations to Nuestro Ahora are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. We are registered in Massachusetts with the Office of the Attorney General's Division of Non-Profit Organizations/Public Charities (#047650). Whether you wish to make a general donation or one in honor of or in memory of a loved one, know the need in El Salvador remains urgent and any gift you make will be sent immediately and directly to the scholars.
Contact us to help make that vital difference today.

New & Ongoing Ways to Help: If you spend time online, won't you click on the links below to download a toolbar (Yahoo), register with the following search engines, and select Nuestro Ahora to earn funds for Nuestro Ahora as you search/research (0.01/search) and/or shop online (percentage varies by merchant). . .no better time than NOW. . .every cent raised truly matters. Make your regular searching/shopping count for our students as you do what you usually do but with a special, meaningful benefit--it's easy!

GoodSearch: You Search...We Give!

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Nuestro Ahora, Inc.