Hola Friends,
This weekend enjoyed the following activities. . .In the afternoon on Saturday, March 21, we went to a march dedicated to Mons. Romero. We walked from Salvador del Mundo to the Cathedral (which took several hours) where the march finished with a Mass. I really admired the enthusiasm of each of the people there, especially those who carried banners and signs with messages and quotes.
On Sunday, we did some housework, went to the market, bought the supplies for the month, and did the general cleaning. On Monday, everyone went to study, and at night we worked on preparing the music for the Mass we will have to welcome the new high school students on March 29. Friday for the night, we began to work on embroidering tablecloths on which Maricela had drawn typical Salvadoran art. Saturday, we finished preparing things for the house and Mass on Sunday.This weekend enjoyed the following activities. . .In the afternoon on Saturday, March 21, we went to a march dedicated to Mons. Romero. We walked from Salvador del Mundo to the Cathedral (which took several hours) where the march finished with a Mass. I really admired the enthusiasm of each of the people there, especially those who carried banners and signs with messages and quotes.
At 10am Ivette, a colleague of Vickie's, came to teach us how to make decorative cards. She came with Andres, her young son, who is very creative and friendly. Ivette showed us how to make cards and bookmarks, and each student worked on making their own adding their own creativity. At 12:30, Vickie, Magdalena, Maricela, and Mirian went to the airport to meet Mary Kate, Vickie's mother and member of the Board of Director's in the US, who came to spend a week with us at the house. It was a pleasure to have her here with us. Saturday night, we had a welcome dinner, after which we prepared again for Sunday's Mass. Sunday's Mass was the first time for us to meet the students and for them to meet one another. We welcomed seven young women and seven young men hoping to continue their studies.
Sunday we we woke up very early to practice for the Mass at 11am. Each student participated in the offerings, petitions, readings, and songs. After Mass, we enjoyed a lunch together, followed by icebreakers, and watched a slide show of the activities that we've done together, and in the end, said goodbye the new students.
Special thanks to the following people: to all of our donors who make it possible to have the resources we need to realize our studies and these activities; to Father Mark for having celebrated the Mass and offering a great homily for reflection; to the Board of Directors in the States, especially to Mary Kate Cavanaugh for her presence; to the Local Committee in El Salvador, especially Lic. Odilia Chicas for always being there to guide us along; to the young people for their interest and desire to improve themselves and their situation; to their families and the directors of the orphanages for accompanying these students and supporting them as them in learning more about the Program; to everyone else who joined us for the special day including those of the ITCA who were present to make and serve us a delicious lunch; and, to the current scholarship students for having worked together well, not forgetting a single detail on the day.
Until soon,
Some more photos from the week. . .
Ivette came to teach us how to make greeting cards.
People from all over El Salvador and all over the world gathered in a walk of remembrance to celebrate Mons. Romero.
Mirian, Magdalena, and Maricela taking part in the 29th anniversary.Odilia and Magdalena in front of the Cathedral during the vigil Mass.
We welcomed 14 new students from 6 different orphanages into our scholarship Program on March 29, kicking off the year with a Mass and lunch for the students and their mentors.
Vickie, Magdalena, Maricela, Mirian, Celsa, and US Board Treasurer, Mary Kate visiting Los Planes de Renderos overlooking San Salvador