Hello. My name is Mirian. I’m 25 years old, and I live in Sonsonate, El Salvador. The reason I’m writing, or telling you a bit about my life, is so that you know how I have lived the years that God has given me to live.
During my youth and for part of my teenager years, I lived an orphanage in Sonsonate, El Hogar de la Niña San Vicente de Paul. I want to tell you that at the beginning, one doesn’t feel that well because you want to be close to your family, no matter how your family is. I say “no matter how your family is” because the most important is to feel that someone loves and cares for you. It’s much more important than the economic situation. But only God knows what your life will be and by living in the orphanage, I was able to complete my high school studies, something that I give greatest thanks to God for, for all the people that had the insight to made sure that I and the other kids at the orphanage received an education. They gave us a formation that created a better future for us.
After leaving the orphanage, I lived with my sister, who also grew up in the orphanage, and we learned that everything we were taught in the orphanage would really help us in our life.
Now I’ve finished "El Caminito,” the university prep program of Nuestro Ahora, and am starting to study English at Ave Maria Language Institute. I’ve applied for a scholarship so that I can continue studying and go to university. You know, I’ve put the whole process in God’s hands because only He can give one security, and He’s never wrong, even though many times we feel bad because we don’t achieve what we want to, but if you don’t find what you wish for, don’t feel bad because God is really saving you from future problems. It’s like that; God always has control and perfect timing. I invite you to look for God and put your confidence in Him. He’s always there to help us, and for that I love him. You ought to love Him, too.
Mirian with Vickie at the Ave Maria Language Institute San Salvador Campus, April 1, 2009