
February 2008: Scholarship students, Local Committe, and program founder participate in the Program's first retreat in Suchitoto, El Salvador to officially begin the new school year

November 2007: Second Nuestro Ahora scholar welcomed into the Program, begins her pre-university coursework

August 2007: Current Nuestro Ahora house opened in Santa Tecla; scholarship community begun

July 2007: First Nuestro Ahora scholar finishes her initial semester of university

June 2007: COAR Ex-alumnos joins in supporting the mission of Nuestro Ahora

March 2007: Nuestro Ahora rents first house for scholarship students

January 2007: First Nuestro Ahora scholar embarks on her university career

December 2006: Nuestro Ahora receives its first funding

November 2006: 4 residents of COAR graduate from high school

September 2006: the concept of Nuestro Ahora first conceived

December 2, 1980: Maura Clarke, Jean Donovan, Ita Ford, and Dorothy Kazel martyred. The scholarship program has been dedicated to the legacy of these four courageous American churchwomen who dedicated their lives to the people, and especially the children, of El Salvador.

August 15, 1980: La Comunidad Oscar Arnulfo Romero "COAR" founded in memory of Mons. Romero. Founder Father Ken Myers welcomes the first 27 orphans.

March 24, 1980: Salvadoran hero Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero assassinated while celebrating mass at the Hospital Divina Providencia.