Having grown up in COAR, Edgar Tolentino brings to Nuestro Ahora an intimate understanding of the place he once called home as a child. He first came to COAR during the earlier war years, living there with his brother from 1983 to 1986. After leaving COAR, he continued his studies in nearby Santa Tecla with the help of the French organization, Medicins Sans Frontieres (Doctors Without Borders).
Today, Edgar lives in the States with his wife and children. Truly successful, he has proven that when simply given the chance, one can accomplish so many good things. Never forgetting the difference COAR has made in his life, Edgar now dedicates much of his time to finding ways to help the children growing up today in COAR, just as he once did. Recently, Edgar has spent much time developing COAR Ex-alumnos, a website that allows former students and residents of COAR to reconnect and work together to reinvest in a place most special to them all.